Division of IT to Remove Test and Development Servers This Month

To improve the security of all Creighton systems, the Division of Information Technology will reduce the number of development and test servers on the Creighton network.

On Friday, Nov. 5, the following development servers were taken offline:

  • aimsync-dev.creighton.edu
  • amipw-dev.creighton.edu
  • amipw-dev.creighton.edu
  • draftvoucher-dev.creighton.edu (alias)
  • draftvoucher-dev.creighton.edu (alias)
  • edwods02-dev.creighton.edu
  • edwrolap02-dev.creighton.edu
  • edwstagi02-dev.creighton.edu
  • gradesync-dev.creighton.edu
  • linapp-dev
  • microfdbdev.creighton.edu
  • pacsdb1-dev.creighton.edu
  • sql01-dev.creighton.edu
  • winiis1-dev.creighton.edu
  • winiis1-dev.creighton.edu

On Friday, Nov. 12, the following test servers will be taken offline:

  • AdmProsWeb-test
  • ban9-app1-t.creighton.edu
  • ban9-web2-t.creighton.edu
  • ban9-web2-t.creighton.edu
  • bantestas3 moving to bantestas4
  • bantestas4.creighton.edu
  • biobankdb-test.creighton.edu
  • degworks2-t.creighton.edu
  • edwods02-test.creighton.edu
  • edwrolap02-test.creighton.edu
  • edwstagi02-test.creighton.edu
  • medtestvm.creighton.edu
  • medtestvm.creighton.edu
  • mssql2014test-1.creighton.edu
  • OLD APEX for test server
  • sage-tst.creighton.edu

If you are currently using or dependent on one of these servers and need it to remain online, please complete the exception form and email it to [email protected] as soon as possible.
