BlueLine: Canvas November Notes

BlueLine, also known as Canvas, applies new releases on the third Saturday of each month, whereby features are added or updated. Highlights from the most recent release notes are now available on the BlueLine Blog.

Assignments: In the Assignment Details page, the “Show Rubric” and “View Feedback” links indicate when new comments have been added as an annotation or in a rubric. This change allows students to see when new comments have been added to a submission.

Dashboard: In the List View of the Dashboard, calendar events that include a link for a supported provider in the description or location field display a Join Conference button. This change allows students to view scheduled conferences and join conferences directly from the List View Dashboard.

Settings: The “Account” and “Course” Settings tabs support independent URL references. This change allows users to remain in a specific tab after a Settings page is refreshed.

SpeedGrader: The word count for assignment text submissions is displayed in SpeedGrader. This change allows instructors to display the word count in assignment text submissions while grading in SpeedGrader. When a text entry is displayed in SpeedGrader, the word count of the assignment entry displays in the sidebar.
