Canvas: Monthly Notes Highlight Navigation, Grading and Notification Updates


Canvas, the application better known as BlueLine, operates on a monthly release cycle through which features are added or updated. New releases are posted on the third Saturday of each month. Read this month’s notes on the BueLine blog.

Some highlights from the most recent release notes follow:

  • Navigation: The account, course and user navigation menus are visible on their respective pages. This change allows users to access the menus at any time.
  • SpeedGrader: Submission status labels can be edited in SpeedGrader. This change allows graders to change the submission status for a student’s assignment directly in SpeedGrader and applies to the grade book.
  • Grade book: The grade book includes an “assignment names” search field. This change allows assignments to be searched in addition to student names.
  • Notifications: Course notification preferences can be customized in a user’s notifications page. This change allows course notifications to be adjusted without having to access the course-level notifications page for each course.

