Disability Services and Accommodations: ClockWork Training Session Aug. 16

As Disability Services continues to prepare for a return to “pre-pandemic” operations, we have been working on ways to help streamline and implement disability accommodations for our students. To help support this, the University has invested in ClockWork, a disability services data management system that will allow for better compliance of electronic records, hosting of student information, sending/receiving of accommodation letters and testing requests.

All eligible students have been informed that effective with the Fall 2021 semester, students will be expected to register and complete the intake process within the ClockWork portal. All accommodation approvals, letters and test scheduling will be managed through ClockWork this fall.

How will this impact faculty? The ClockWork Instructor Portal will help with two main components on the faculty side of things—approval of accommodation letters and testing requests.

Accommodation Letters: Faculty will be able to log in to the ClockWork Instructor portal and select the courses they are teaching. Similar to previous semesters, students will prompt the delivery of letters via the Clockwork portal. Accommodation letters will then appear from students who have submitted their letter for you to review. The faculty will then be asked to indicate by check-marking that the faculty member has reviewed and discussed the letter with the student.

Testing Requests: Faculty will be able to log into the ClockWork instructor portal and select the tests and exams button. Faculty will then select the date that your DS student(s) will take the exam. Once these are created, those students can log into ClockWork and reserve that time to take the exam in our office. Please note that since students will be reserving after you create the “definition”, we ask that the test definitions are created at least 5 days prior to the actual test date.

ClockWork Training Session

A PowerPoint highlighting the steps to take to view accommodation letters and create test definitions will be made available via email from the appropriate personnel in your college/school and on our website. To help ensure that faculty fully understand their role in this process, Disability Services will be offering three ClockWork Training sessions that faculty are welcome to attend.

A session will be both in person and offered via Zoom at 9:30 a.m., Aug. 16 in Harper 3048

Please visit this website to register for a session. Disability Services aims to help during this transition and help ensure access and develop a streamlined process when supporting our students.
