Sanchez Keynote at Society of Women Engineers Meeting

SOD_Rocha_Sanchez_SoniaSonia M. Rocha-Sanchez, PhD, professor, director of Biomedical Sciences Research Core and assistant dean of Research at Creighton University School of Dentistry was keynote speaker at the Midwest meeting of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in Milwaukee on March 10, 2018. Sanchez’s motto “Whatever You Put Your Mind To, You Will Do It” was presented to over 600 women from various engineering backgrounds.

Sanchez has continuously been involved with coaching and mentoring of junior faculty, post-doctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students and leads an active research program in the dental school that has been funded by several federal and private institutions.

She has also co-founder and is the vice-president of F&S Medical Solutions, a startup dedicated to the research and development of medical devices and therapies for a variety of diseases. Sanchez serves on several national research advisory boards and consults for many medically-relevant technology transfer projects. She is particularly passionate about mentoring and creating opportunities for disadvantaged youth interested in science and medicine.

SWE gives women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry. The organization is centered around a passion for our members’ success and continues to evolve with the challenges and opportunities reflected in today’s exciting engineering and technology specialties.

To view Sanchez’s powerful keynote please click here.
