Call for Papers: 3rd Annual You Are Here Conference

“You Are Here”: An Interdisciplinary Conference

on Place, Space, and Embodiment

MARCH 23-25, 2018


At the root of every critical discussion are questions of space, place, and location – where am I? Where can I go? Who else is here? Who cares?

Place holds a particular importance in understanding society and the social relations within it. Interrogating the importance of this “ever-shifting social geometry of power and signification” (Massey 1994) that is the ‘spatial,’ “You Are Here” is a conference dedicated to exploring the questions and implications of space and place.

“You Are Here” welcomes papers, proposed panels, roundtables, poster sessions, and other session formats from graduate students and scholars at all stages of their careers. As this conference aims to cultivate understanding of the importance of space and place, we seek panels that unite scholars of various disciplines. These include but are certainly not limited to: English literature, rhetorical criticism, pedagogical studies, medical humanities, sociology, anthropology, theology, and history.

Within these (and other) disciplines, we encourage all papers on space, place, and /or embodiment, but particularly welcome proposals concerning:

  • Spatial Theory
  • Narrative Medicine and Embodiment
  • Intersections of Science and Space
  • Embodied Pedagogy
  • Transgressive Spaces
  • Borders and Borderlands
  • Displacement, Dislocation, and Migration
  • Transnational Theory
  • Ethnographic Analysis of Space
  • Citizenship/the Politicization of Place
  • Agricultural and Environmental Issues
  • Social Networks
  • Digital Embodiments and Cyber-Sexualities
  • Commodification of Space and Bodies
  • Urbanization, Construction of City Space
  • Creative Writing and Expression

Format: Individual papers or presentations of 20 minute duration, complete panels, or group presentations should be submitted by conference deadline. Submissions for special workshops and non-traditional presentations related to space, place, and embodiment are welcome.

Individual proposals of 300 words and a brief biographical note should be submitted by January 5, 2018 to [email protected]. For group presentations, please submit a 500 word abstract as well as a brief bio for each participant. Please include any AV/tech needs in your proposal.

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