Asensio Honored Worldwide

SOM_Asensio_JuanJuan A. Asensio, MD, FACS, FCCM, FRCS (England), FISS, KM, has received numerous awards recently.

Asensio is professor and vice-chairman of surgery; chief, Division of Trauma Surgery & Surgical Critical Care; director of Trauma Center and Trauma Program, Department of Surgery Creighton University School of Medicine, Creighton University Medical Center; professor of Clinical & Translational Science, Department of Translational Science Creighton University School of Medicine; adjunct professor of Surgery, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.

Recent Achievements

  • Asensio was elected as a distinguished member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain. Nov. 20, 2018. The distinction of becoming an Academic in this Academy as well as Academies in many other countries, is considered the highest honor bestowed on physicians of any specialty. The Academy dates back to 1733, it consists of 50 members which hold Chairs in many different specialties, in perpetuity. Amongst its members both National and Foreign there are Nobel Prize winners and Prince of Asturias Prize winners (Spain’s equivalent of a Nobel Prize). It was established by King Carlos III of Spain whom supported the American Revolution, George Washington and the Founding Fathers of the United States.
  • Asensio was granted Professorship with Honors in the Complutense University of Madrid Spain, amongst the 10th oldest universities in the world. Saint Ignatius of Loyola is amongst one of its most well-known alumni.
  • Asensio was granted Professorship with Honors in the King Alfonso X El Sabio (The Wise) University of Madrid.
  • Asensio has been granted the Danis Prize for scientific merits and distinction in Trauma Surgery by the International Society of Surgery (ISS)/ Le Société Internationale de Chirurgie; the umbrella society for over 135 Surgical Societies and Colleges of Surgery. The prize is awarded to Surgeons making seminal contributions to the care of wounded and injured patients. The ISS was founded in 1902 by Professor Theodore Kocher of Switzerland- Nobel Prize Winner and has been awarded to only 31 Surgeons in the history of the Society. He will receive this prize in the meeting of the Society in Krakow, Poland, August 2019.
  • Asensio has also been granted the prestigious Fellowship of the International Surgical Society (ISS)/ Le Société Internationale de Chirurgie which he will also receive in Krakow, Poland, August 2019.
  • Asensio has been appointed by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and International Surgical Society (ISS)/ Le Société Internationale de Chirurgie to the Global Surgery Task Force which consist of Presidents of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Ireland, India, South Africa and the Royal Australian College of Surgery. Of the members there are only 3 members which are not Presidents of the above cited Colleges in the task force.
  • Asensio was awarded the King Carlos III Foundation Honors and medal May 26-28, 2019 in Madrid Spain. This is the most prestigious academic foundation, in Spain and one of the most prestigious in the world. Named after the King who promoted scientific research and achievements in Europe.