National Moot Court Team Scores Best Brief Score at National Competition

RS-NMCTNY2020Last week, Creighton’s National Moot Court team of Emily Dickson, Jon Latka, and Mitchell Sell competed in New York City at the national final rounds of the prestigious National Moot Court Competition. They were awarded the honor of the top brief score in the national competition. This honor is a first in Creighton’s history of participation in the competition.

The National Moot Court competition is one of the oldest and most prestigious moot court competitions in the nation. It begins in the fall of each year with regional competitions all across the country, in which over 300 teams begin vying for a chance to compete at the national finals in New York. Only the top 28 teams across the nation advanced to the national finals this year. At the regional competition last fall, the team also received the honor of the top brief score in the region. At the regional competition, the team lost only one oral argument round when falling to a team from St. Louis in the final round. At the national competition, the team also performed very well in the oral argument portion of the competition, narrowly being eliminated by one point by an exceptional team from Georgia. As it turns out, the team from Georgia and the team from St. Louis both ended up advancing to the final round, where the team from Georgia was victorious.

Creighton’s teams have advanced to the national finals four times in the last nine years. The teams are coached by Professors Cote and Real.

(Photo is of team in front of NYC Bar Association Building where the competition was held)
