Johnson Presents at Conferences Nationwide

LaShaune_JohnsonLaShaune Johnson, PhD, assistant professor, Master of Public Health, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, along with Paul Elam and Mindelyn Anderson, participated in a roundtable and preconference workshop titled, “Utilization of a Racial Equity Lens to help Guide Strategic Engagement and Evaluation” at the Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) held recently in Chicago. Dr. Johnson will also be a roundtable presider, “Public Health, Race and Ethnicity,” at the Midwest Sociological Society in Chicago and will present her paper, “Sister Survivor: Black Women on Breast Cancer Care Continuum.”

Dr. Johnson will also present her paper, “Pink Ribbons in the Potter’s Field: A Cancer Survivor/Researcher Accompanying Black Cancer Survivors,” at the Society for Applied Anthropology conference in Portland, Oregon.

Dr. Johnson also presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference in Washington, D.C., in March on “Changing Classroom Engagement: The Association Between School Gardens and Time on Task.”
