Hogan Articles Published in Two Journals

andrew hoganAndrew Hogan, PhD, assistant professor of History, recently had two articles published.

Hogan’s article, “The ‘Two Cultures’ in Clinical Psychology: Constructing Disciplinary Divides in the Management of Mental Retardation,” has been published in the December 2018 issue of Isis, the top international journal in the history of science. In this article, Hogan examines how C.P. Snow’s well-known concept of a “two cultures” divide between scientists and humanists was adopted by various scientific disciplines as part of conversations about student training and professional goals. With a particular focus on differing perspectives about the appropriate understanding and management of intellectual disabilities in postwar clinical psychology, Hogan demonstrates that references to the “two cultures” of a given scientific field often highlight concerns about professional identity, ambitions, and prestige. The article can be accessed here:

A second article by Hogan, “Social and Medicine Models of Disability and Mental Health: Evolution and Renewal,” has been published in the January 7, 2019 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, a top-ten general medical journal. In this article, Hogan argues for the inclusion of disability history and perspectives in medical education, including a greater awareness of social and medical model critiques of clinical approaches to disability and mental health. He highlights the important advocacy role of physicians in supporting their students, trainees, and colleagues with disabilities to thrive in the medical profession and contribute to its culture and outlook in unique and important ways.

The article can be accessed here: http://www.cmaj.ca/content/191/1/E1
A related podcast can be found here: http://www.cmaj.ca/page/multimedia/podcasts
