Encuentro Dominicano August Updates

  • The Encuentro Dominicano, Creighton’s own semester-long academic service-learning program in Santiago, Dominican Republic has 11 students for fall 2017 and is expected to be at capacity (20 students) for spring 2018, including several students from sister universities in the U.S.
  • In fall 2017 our program was expanded to include opportunities for our students at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, where they can take a course on Caribbean cinema, further deepening their understanding of the Dominican context. In the future a course on Dominican folklore will also be available to Creighton students.
  • Ryan Spangler, PhD (associate professor, Modern Languages & Literatures) is spearheading a group in the development of an elective course in Cuba for Encuentro Dominicano participants. Through a grant from the Creighton Global Initiative, the team will establish an intensive course in Havana in collaboration with the Centro de Estudios Martianos (CEM) that will explore the history between Cuba and the U.S. over the last 150 years. The course is tentatively set to begin fall 2018 semester if not earlier.